Thursday, June 7, 2012


I know better than to be here
stretched out on the grass
Cool moonlight pooling around he and I,
Habitat for mosquitoes.

Come with me into this scene beneath the willows
The spring sugar smell
Playing like a lute-
Lifting he and I up

The song is deceptive,
Juxtaposed against a canvas bought with unearned money
Painted upon by another’s hand
And stolen-
 touted as my own.

I forget that I should not be here,
Stretched out on the grass
Cool moonlight pooling around he and I,
A lamb for the slaughter.

His eyes tell another story,
They reassure me,
The hour is late,
Salty, grey light pierces the black veil

I forget myself-
there beneath the willows.
My caution turned to wanderlust in the wind
And lost.

I know that I should not be
Stretched out on the grass,
Cool moonlight pooling around he and I,
Creeping morning reminds me.